Saturday, July 14, 2012

In the Nursery: Gates at Three Months

Gates' three month birthday is bittersweet. It signals the end of our bonding and time for me to return to my second job.
Gates' Three Month Portrait
Luckily, my parents are able to watch Gates until we get full-time care near our home in San Francisco (we're on a waiting list like most other parents). Next month, they'll be providing the highlights of Gates' development. In the meantime, here's what Gates has been up to:
  • She plays hide and go seek.
  • She can place her pacifier on her chest for safekeeping and put in back in her mouth later.
  • She can clasp her hands together and bring them to her mouth.
Ciao Bella!
Credits: All layouts designed by and images taken by Eden Hensley Silverstein for The Road to the Good Life. In The Nursery is a monthly series, published on either the second or fourth Monday of each month, depending on whether Gates has a well baby check up or not, that chronicles Gates' growth during her first twenty four months. This series was inspired by Nicole Balch of Making it Lovely's series for her two children: Eleanor and August.