Monday, June 24, 2013

Elsewhere: Contributing to Find Your Voice Summer Storytelling Workshop

This summer I'm excited to announce that I'm a contributor to The Find Your Voice Summer Storytelling Workshop. Why another project you ask? The Find Your Voice Storytelling Workshop is a logical next step in my journey of self-discovery that started last year shortly after Gates was born.

Find Your Voice Workshop: Telling a Story


Have you used storytelling to help you dive deeper into your life?

Becoming a mother was an emotional rollercoaster, one that often left me feeling invisible. From the moment I began to show until recently, every interaction, including those with strangers, focused on Gates. It was as if I no longer existed. I lost who I was. As I began my journey, I discovered I hadn't ever found my voice. Most of my life I'd been letting events define me. I'd often pack up and run away, not something that's easy to do when you're married or when you're a parent, when I felt trapped. On these flights, I'd often have an I AM moment that refocused or redirected my path.

Find Your Voice Workshop: Materials and Tools


For me this workshop is about creating more I AM moments: actively choosing events and experiences that strengthen who I am. My two projects this summer are I AM: My Story (a scrapbook of sorts) and The First Year (a shadowbox of mementos). I selected these two projects with a goal of developing a well-rounded voice.

Join us This Summer for a Free Storytelling Workshop

If you want a creative outlet this summer or are looking to start intentionally sharing your story online, I highly recommend the 2015 Find Your Voice Workshop, starting Wednesday July 1st 2015.

Curious what the 2013 workshop was like? For me, the 2013 workshop was about stepping away from the computer and disconnecting from outside influences to reconnect with me. I loved getting a lesson that covers one aspect of storytelling each week, especially the creative call-to-action designed to explore the discussed element. When storytelling is your day job, you can easily forget to think about why you do what you do. The element by element focus allowed in-depth exploration and growth.

Check out some of the projects I completed (all posts have been updated to link to details about the 2015 workshop):


genuinely eden

Credits: All layouts designed by and images taken by Eden Hensley Silverstein for The Road to the Good Life.