Sunday, April 29, 2007

If you could only have one, what would you choose?

The choices are: Intellect, Good Looks, or Talent.

Of the three, I'd rather have world-class talent.
  • Intellect you're either born with or you're not.
  • Good looks are fleeting.
  • Talent--now that can be developed and sustained.
I'm passionate about all I do and strive to fully master any and all hobbies/interests I take up. I love doing something that I enjoy and having friends enjoy it also. My talent is that whatever I put my heart and soul into I tend to master. The two talents I'm working on taking to world-class level are cooking and photography.

The other reason why I'd rather have talent is that talent can be shared with more people. For example, I cook pretty well--learned to cook Thai food when I was helping friends market/franchise their restaurant and was able to teach my Thai roommate who didn't know how to cook how to cook--when her mom came out for graduation she was surprised that her daughter had learned how to cook Thai food from an American.