For this month's portrait, Gates was all serious and stoic when I was behind the camera and smiles and giggles when I started to walk away. I captured her mid-laugh for her portrait by standing to the side of the tripod.
Four days a week Gates stays with her grandparents. My mom keeps detailed notes of what Gates does during the day. (View more photos of what Gates was up to in August, in The First Two Years Flickr gallery.) Here are some of the highlights from August:
"Wants to sit up. Arches top 1/2 of body 4 to 6 inches off of the floor when on her back. Loves to sit against my knees 'sitting up' & play with toys dangling from arch." - August 13, 2012
"Playtime: Roll over, scoot & 'sit up.' Very active. Showed off bubble blowing skills & singing." - August 16, 2012
"Playtime: Really loves to catch the rattles & hold them with both hands & shake & then hold with one hand & really shake for some time." - August 17, 2012
"Playtime: Loves to hold toys that rattle & shake. Soft & hard. Likes different feel." - August 20, 2012
Gates is now regularly sleeping through the night, shutting her eyes between 7:00 and 8:30PM and opening them again between 5:00 and 8:00AM. Often we'll play a round of hide and go seek before she turns to her side to watch her music box. Being able to let her sleep on her tummy has really helped increase the length of her nighttime sleep; it's her favorite sleeping position.
Ciao Bella!