Saturday, September 08, 2012

In the Nursery: Gates at Four Months

Earlier this week, Gates celebrated her five month birthday, and we'll be taking her portrait this weekend. Looking back over photos of her from the past month, I realized that I hadn't shared her four month portrait. So, here it is!
Gates at Four Months
Throughout July, Gates enjoyed daily walks with her grandparents at Rockaway beach and being read to.
Later this afternoon we're going to reunite with the couples from our birthing class and see all the babies. I can't wait!
Ciao Bella!
Credits: All layouts designed by and images taken by Eden Hensley Silverstein for The Road to the Good Life. In The Nursery is a monthly series, published on either the second or fourth Monday of each month, depending on whether Gates has a well baby check up or not, that chronicles Gates' growth during her first twenty four months. This series was inspired by Nicole Balch of Making it Lovely's series for her two children: Eleanor and August.