Gates loves to read; rather she loves to be read to. On a given day, she'll have us read to her over thirty stories. Lately the stories that she's having us read "again" are those where the starring character is a mouse. So it's no surprise that for her upcoming birthday party, she wants it to include mice.

In two days, Gates turns two. And in six days, friends and family will join Gates as she celebrates her birthday. When asked what she wanted for her birthday, she replied Mice, Alphabet, and pink cake. Lest you think this is another Disney-inspired birthday party, let me introduce you to the mice Gates hangs out with. These critters are far from their animated Disney cousins.

Gates' "Mickey Mouse" is a wooden pink-eared mouse that came with a pull-along train manufactured by Goula. When Gates first got the train last year, she was more interested in dumping the passengers from the train. In fact, every time she saw the mouse, the cat, and the bear in the train she'd pull the train up vertically by it's string until they fell to the ground. Now, she carries the mouse with her during most of her play, carefully putting the mouse in a purse or a bag that goes with her everywhere. (The other mouse she'd been consistently traveling with had been one of Sprite's well-loved, rabbit-fur covered mice.)

Throwing a mouse inspired party is nothing new for me. One year I wanted to throw a cheese and antipasto tasting party, so I threw our cat Sprite a birthday party using a vintage children's book, The King, the Mice and the Cheese (Beginner Books(R)) (*affiliate link), as my inspiration, acquiring an army of vintage mouse ring holders and picks (that I still have and may be making an appearance at Gates' party).
For Gates' party, I've created a Pinterest board, Effortless Entertaining: Alphabet Mouse Birthday, where I've been collecting non-Disney mice and alphabet inspiration. I'm sure someone has thrown a children's mouse-themed party before that wasn't either a Mickey or a Minnie Mouse party; they just haven't shared their party details on Pinterest where they're easily findable by other parents. (The party results for "mouse" on Hostess with the Mostess were either Disney or the Twas the Night Before Christmas. I had better luck on Pizzazzerie, finding a children's book themed baby shower that included If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.) Over the week, I'll be sharing behind-the-scenes, in progress shots of the decor on Instagram. If you're curious what I'm dreaming up, follow me there.
The mice that are inspiring me are found on the pages of Gates' favorite books about mice. If you have a toddler, I highly recommend these books:
- The King, the Mice and the Cheese (Beginner Books(R)) (*affiliate link)
- The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear (Child's Play Library) (*affiliate link)
- Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse: (Caldecott Honor Book) (Pinwheel Books) (*affiliate link)
- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (If You Give...) (*affiliate link)
- Mouse Soup (*affiliate link)
P.S. Don't feel like commenting? Strike up a conversation with me elsewhere: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google+, or Pinterest.
Credits: All layouts designed by and images taken by Eden Hensley Silverstein for The Road to the Good Life.
This post contains affiliate links, identified with (*affiliate link) following the linked text. I feature products that I own or that I am considering purchasing regardless of referral fees. I own all of the book referenced in this post. All opinions presented are my own.